Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Persentase Kebun

Persentase perternakan ini ga terlalu mempengaruhi apakah kamu menang atau kalah dalam permainan ini.Kalau di versi HM di Amerika Utara katanya persentasenya bisa sampai 98%.Kalau di versilain katanya juga Power Berries ga dihitung jadinya 88%.

Kamu bisa dapat 1% dari setiap Berry Power (10% total)
1% untuk setiap hati anjing kamu miliki/dapat  (10% total)
1% untuk setiap hati kuda kamu miliki/dapat  (10% total)
2% untuk setiap upgrade bangunan kamu miliki/dapat  (10% total)
1% untuk setiap ayam yang kamu sudah memiliki (10% total)
1% untuk masing-masing dan sapi / domba (total 20%)
1% untuk setiap hati istri kamu (10% total)
1% untuk setiap hati anak  kamu miliki/dapat  (10% total)
1% untuk setiap 8 resep yang kamu sudah memasak (8% total)

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012


Stamina sangat diperlukan untuk bekerja,dibawah ada gambaran dimana stamina kta dari langkah-kelangkah :

50% stamina30% stamina10% stamina0% stamina

Sickness level 1Sickness level 2Sickness level 3Waking up in the Hospital

Tips dari Docktor :

Nih bisa ke Klinik si Docktor,disana Cek Kesehatan cuam 10g,Dan disana ada obat penambah Stamina ( Bodigizer  ) dan penurun Kelemahan ( Turbojolt)
Tips dari Barley :
Barley juga punya Tips nih..


Selain menambang atau mengurus hewan di Harvest Moon kita juga bisa memancing.Kalau belum dapat alat pancingnya dateng pas Hari Jumat/Sabtu/Minggu jam 7-10 AM atau 7-10 PM dan nanti ada kakek tua (nelayan)yang namanya Greg menunggu disana terus kamu ajak ngomong dan bakal ngasih pancingan kepadamu.

Saat memancing,kita bisa mendapat berbagai macam hal antaranya :

`Ikan Kecil  → Bisa dijual → 50g
`Ikan Sedang → Bisa dijual → 100g
`Ikan Besar → Bisa dijual → 150 g
`Sampah → Sepatu Boot Bkas → Kaleng Sampah → Kayu → Gabisa dijual
`Power Berry → Menambah Stamina tubuh

Tempat memancing ada banyak di Mineral Town,contohnya :

█ Sungai
Ikan yang dapat di Pancing : Hanya ikan kecil
Level : Mudah
Perbandingan/Pendapatan Ikan ke Sampah saat memancing : 1 ikan lalu 3 sampah

Buat newbie yang masih coba-coba tempat mancingnya kesini nih,Tapi kalau yg udahh ahli mending jangan disini,dipikir-pikir buang-buang waktu.

█ Air Terjun HG
Ikan yang dapat di Pancing : Ikan kecil dan sedang
Level : medium
Perbandingan/Pendapatan Ikan ke Sampah saat memancing : 1 ikan lalu 2 sampah

Tempat ini tuh better than yang tadi,lebih mending.Disini juga terletak ikan legendaris yaitu Char

█ Danau di kaki Gunung
Ikan yang dapat di Pancing : ikan sedang dan ikan kecil
Level : medium
Perbandingan/Pendapatan Ikan ke Sampah saat memancing : 2 ikan lalu sampah

Level sih sama kaya Air terjun tapi mending disini,lebih banyak ikan disini.Soalnya Disinilah sumber air terjun tersebut.Dan disini ada monster yang namanya Kappa.

█  Laut / Pantai Mineral Town
Ikan yang dapat di Pancing : ikan besar,sedang,dan kecil
Level : sulit
Perbandingan/Pendapatan Ikan ke Sampah saat memancing : 1 ikan lalu 1 sampah

Nah,the harderst lvel here,disinilah level tersulit,banyak Ikan disini tapi susah dipancing.Ikan legendaris Squid dan Sea Bream ada disini juga dan juga Power Berry tentunya.

Tips memancing dari Ann :
Ann sampe marah-marah gitu -__-
Dari Greg :

Ikan Legendaris jelasnya -> Ikan Legendaris

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Event - Cutscene

Penduduk juga bias menikah! Kalau mau lihat kamu harus bersahabat dengan dia dan jangan sampai hati gadisnya merah.Kamu juga harus melihat semua cut scenenya,dibawah ini diantaranya :

Ann - Heart 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 11:20 am
Location: Inn
Description: "She's Cute"

Ann - Rival 1.0 - Black
Time: Fri 6, Spring 1, 12:00-2:30 pm
Location: Church
Description: "Carter's Lunch"

Ann - Heart 2.0 - Blue
Time: Sun 15, Spring 1, 4:30 pm
Location: Inn (outside)
Description: "Imagine me Married?"

Ann - Rival 2.0 - Blue
Time: Mon 9, Spring 1, 6:30 pm
Location: Inn (upstairs)
Description: "Cliff's Dinner"

Ann - Rival 3.0 - Blue/Green
Time: Sun 7, Spring 2, 6:10 pm
Location: Inn
Description: "Forever"

Ann - Rival 4.0 - Blue/Green
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 11:30 am
Location: Vineyard
Description: "Stories"

Ann - Heart 7.0 - Married
Time: Automatic
Location: Mother's Hill
Description: Ann's Sunny Day Nap

Elli - Heart 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 9:00 am
Location: Clinic
Description: "No Pain"

Elli - Rival 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 2:30 pm
Location: Clinic
Description: "Cute Babies"

Elli - Heart 2.0 (note: as soon as purple heart)(note: weather irrelevant) - Purple
Time: Mon 9, Spring 1, 3:50 pm
Location: Clinic (outside)
Description: "Fun Work"

Elli - Rival 2.0 - Purple
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 10:30 am
Location: Clinic
Description: "Cold?"

Elli - Heart 3.0 (note: triggers automatically)(note: Horse Race does not conflict) - Blue
Time: Tues 17, Spring 1, 12:00 pm
Location: Farm
Description: "Lunch Sandwiches"

Elli - Rival 3.0 - Blue
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 2:00 pm
Location: Beach
Description: "Not Leaving"

Doctor - (note: This seems to trigger regardless of Elli's heart level, but *may* be necessary for the Elli/Doctor marriage path)
Time: Wed 29, Summer 2 11:10 am
Location: Church
Description: "Confessional"

Karen - Heart 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 11:00 am
Location: Supermarket
Description: "You Should Pay"

Karen - Rival 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 6:40-7:00 am
Location: Church (outside)
Description: "Forest Walk"

Karen - Rival 1.2 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 1:20 pm
Location: Poultry Farm
Description: "Cad!!"

Karen - Heart 2.0 - Purple
Time: Mon 16, Spring 1, 7:30 pm
Location: Goddess Spring 1,
Description: "Love Life Troubles"

Karen - Rival 2.0 - Purple/Blue
Time: Sat 6, Spring 2, 12:00 pm
Location: Poultry Yard
Description: "Daughter"

Karen - Rival 3.0 - Blue
Time: Sun 14, Spring 2, 4:50 pm
Location: Supermarket (outside)
Description: "Making Up"

Karen - Rival 6.0 - Red (note: Popuri must be married for this event to trigger)
Time: Fri 4, Spring 2, 12:00-12:50 pm
Location: Poultry Farm
Description: "Missing Popuri - Karen's Proposal"

Mary - Heart 1.0 - Black
Time: Tues 3, Spring 1, 10:00 am
Location: Library
Description: "Writing?"

Mary - Rival 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 2:00 pm
Location: Town Square
Description: "Looking For"

Mary - Heart 2.0 - Purple
Time: Wed 11, Spring 1, 2:50 pm
Location: Library
Description: "Care to Read"

Mary - Rival 2.0 - Purple
Time: Sun 13, Summer 1, 5:00 pm
Location: Library (outside)
Description: "Book Advice"

Mary - Heart 3.0 - Blue
Time: Automatic
Location: Farm
Description: "Woodcutter and King"

Mary - Rival 3.0 - Blue
Time: Tues 2 / Wed 24, Spring 2, 10:00-4:20 pm
Location: Blacksmith
Description: "Burns"

Mary - Rival 4.0 - Blue/Green
Time: Tues 30, Spring 2, 3:40-4:00 pm
Location: Library
Description: "Book Review"

Mary - Rival 5.0 - Blue/Green
Time: Wed, Spring 2 / Summer 2, 11:10-4:10 pm
Location: Church
Description: "Confessional"

Popuri - Heart 1.0 - Black
Time: Mon 2, Spring 1, 12:00 pm
Location: Poultry Farm
Description: "Pon the Chicken"

Popuri - Heart 2.0 - Purple
Time: Mon 23, Spring 1, 1:00 pm
Location: Poultry Yard
Description: "Leave the village"

Popuri - Rival 1.0 - Black/Purple (note: Weather irrelevant)
Time: Sun 30, Spring 1, any time
Location: Vineyard
Description: "Kai's Arrival"

Popuri - Rival 1.2 - Black/Purple
Time: Wed 2, Summer 1, 12:00 pm
Location: Poultry Yard
Description: "Nice Girl"

Popuri - Heart 2.0 - Purple/Blue
Time: Fri 10, Summer 1, (Year 2) 1:00 pm
Location: Beach
Description: "Leaving"

Popuri - Rival 2.0 - Purple/Blue
Time: Fri 11, Summer 1, 5:10 pm exactly
Location: Beach
Description: "I like the Summer"

Popuri - Heart 7.0 - Married
Time: Automatic
Location: Farm
Description: "Hurt Bird"

Tips dari Mary buat kamu :

Mandi bareng Monyet untuk Meningkatkan Rasa suka para Gadis

Untuk apa mandi bersama Monyet? Event ini dapat menambah level hati perempuan yang kamu suka. (Cuma gadis yang affectionnya yang paling tinggi yang akan datang ) 

1.Kasih 10 buah Hadiah untuk Harvest Goddess lalu ia akan bertanya dan pilih “Yes, I do ” 

                                          2. Lalu kamu akan bertemu dia! #Ciee

3.Jangan pergi dulu! Ayo ke Hot Spring dan Masuk dan bertemu Monyet !

4.Setelah keluar kamu bertemu lagi dengan dia.


Pada permainan ini cuaca sangat penting untuk diperhatikan, lihatlahramalan cuaca esok hari.Kondisi cuaca sangat berpengaruh terhadapkegiatan yang dapat dilakukan. Dengan mengetahui kondisi cuaca kamu dapatmempersiapkan kegiatan apa saja yang akan dilakukan. Bila cuaca buruk,maka kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan akan sangat terbatas dan cenderunguntuk mengurus ternak di kandang.Cuaca buruk dapat menghancurkan tanaman, tetapi kamu tidak perlumengairi tanaman di kebun saat turun hujan dan bersalju. Tetapi jika kamubekerja pada saat turun hujan atau salju, jika dipaksakan mungkin kamuakan jatuh sakit.Angin topan dapat menyapu bersih sebagian tanaman siap panen sekaligus dengan Rumah Kacanya jika kamu memilikinya. Selain itu juga dapatmembunuh sebagian hewan ternakmu jika mereka berada di luar. Jika tidakmati, mereka mungkin hanya sakit saja dan kamu harus segera membelibinatang baru dan membeli obat jika ada ternak yang sakit. Jadi untukmelakukan pencegahan, kamu harus selalu memperhatikan ramalan cuaca ditelevise sehingga dapat melakukan persiapan.

Persiapan Menghadapi Badai ^o^
Sebagian besar cuaca yang akan kamu hadapi adalah cerah dan sedikithujan. Namun sewaktu ²waktu cuaca akan menggila dan memporak ²porandakan kebun milikmu. Cuaca yang buruk biasanya terjadi pada musimpanas dan dingin. Angin topan dapat terjadi pada musim panas dan badai espada musim dingin. Saat terjadi badai besar kamu tidak dapat keluar rumah.Dan saat itu sudah dipastikan badai akan merusak kebun, rumah kaca dankandang serta membunuh ternak yang tertinggal diluar. Untukmempersiapkannya, pertama mintalah Harvest Sprites untuk merawatternakmu. Mereka berani menerjang badai untuk menyelamatkan hewandan memberi makan ternakmu. Mintalah mereka untuk bekerja selamaseminggu karena badai seringkali terjadi selama beberapa hari. Karenabadai dapat merusak kandangmu, persiapkanlah kayu untuk cadangan.Panenlah tanaman yang sudah matang agar tidak hilang jika terjadi badai.Pastikan juga ternakmu sudah berada di dalam kandang, jangan sampai ada yang tertinggal di luar.Selama ada badai kamu tidak dapat menonton televise dan keluar rumah.Jadi selama badai ajaklah anjingmu bermain bola untuk melatih fisiknyasehingga siap untuk berpartisipasi dalam perlombaan pacuan anjing. Jikakamu memiliki dapur dan bahan makanan yang cukup, buatlah resep makanan,atau tidur untuk mempersingkat waktu.

Mengontrol Cuaca
Bagian ini menjelaskan keadaan cuaca di dalam permainan. Untuk melihatramalan cuaca esok hari, lihatlah dari televise. Setelah menyimpanpermainan, periksa cuaca untuk hari berikutnya. Jika cuaca badai atauhujan, salju dan topan, masuklah ke Diary dan buka ulang Game-mu. Periksacuacanya, maka kamu mendapatkan cuaca yang kamu inginkan.

Sunny ( Cerah )
Pada saat cerah kamu harus menyimpan semua tanamanmu. Kamu dapat pergikemana saja dan bermain diluar karena cuaca tidak membahayakan.

 Rainy ( Hujan )
Pada saat hujan kamu tidak perlu menyiram tanamanmu, tetapi berhati ²hatilah bila terlalu lama kehujanan karena dapat menyebabkan kamu jatuhsakit.

Snowy ( Salju )
Pada saat turun salju kadang kala ada angin ribut di pegunungan. Janganterlalu lama berada diluar ruangan karena kamu akan sakit.

Tornado ( Topan )
Kamu tidak akan dapat keluar rumah untuk melakukan aktifitas. Mintalahpara Peri Harvest untuk membantumu satu hari sebelum bencana ini dating.Beberapa tanamanmu akan rusak dan kadang kala juga dapat menghancurkanrumah kacamu.

Blizzard ( Badai Salju )
Sama seperti angin topan, kamu tidak dapat keluar rumah, jadi mintalahpara Peri Harvest untuk membantumu satu hari sebelum bencana ini dating.
Badai ini terjadi hanya pada musim salju jadi tidak akan merusaktanamanmu, tapi kadang kala juga dapat menghancurkan rumah kacamu.


Musim Semi-Spring
Ini adalah musim yang paling indah, dimana bunga - bunga bermekaran, tapi musim semi pertama adalah saat tersibuk dalam permainan ini.
Tujuan Utama Musim Semi
Pesentase: 9%
 Mengunjungi Tetangga
 Memperbaiki Kebunmu
 Menanam tumbuhan pertamamu
 Mendapatkan Fishing Rod
 Mendapatkan Kuda
 Menanam beberapa Rumput
 Membeli Ayam
 Membeli Rucksack Besar
Mengumpulkan sedikitnya 8750G dan kayu 420 ( 11750G jika membeli ransel )

Saat musim ini kamu belum bisa dibantu oleh Harvest Sprites karena sedang Pesta The (Tea Party)
Musim Panas-Summer
Musim yang dipenuhi dengan tawa, pesta pantai dan beberapa festival.

Tujuan Utama Musim Panas
Persentase: 17%
 Tanam kembali kebunmu
 Beli Sapi
 Beli Lumber
 Minta Bantuan HS
 Menanam beberapa Bunga
 Upgrade Chicken Coop (Kandang Ayam)
  Buat dapur
Perkiraan biaya yang dikeluarkan : 13700G + 370 kayu, 18700G + 990 kayu( termasuk Ransel ). 18700G + 990 kayu ( termasuk Kandang Ayam ), 21700G + 990 kayu (termasuk kandang Ayam dan Ransel ).
Musim Gugur-Fall
Suhu semakin dingin saat ini jadi kamu tidak dapat mendapatkan hasil panen yang maksimal saat ini.

Tujuan Utama Musim Gugur
Persentase: 26%
  Mengunpulkan banyak kayu
  Penuhi kandang ayammu
  Beli Sapi baru
  Upgrade Rumahmu
Upgrade Lumbung
  Daptkan Large Rucksack
  Tangkap beberapa ikan untuk membuat kolam ikan
  Perkiraan biaya 15700G + 370 kayu ( dengan dapur ), 17800G + 500 kayudengan lumbung ( tanpa dapur ).

Musim Dingin-Winter
Salju yang semakin dingin membuat danau di Mother Hill menjasi beku,dengan demikian kamu dapat menyeberanginya untuk mencapai Winter Mine.Kumpulkan juga kayu pada musim ini dan bersiaplah menghadapai badai yangmungkin akan terjadi pada musim ini jika kamu mempunyai rumah kaca.

Tujuan Utama Musim Dingin
Persentase: 33%
Beli lagi Sapi baru
Upgrade rumahmu ( menambah kamar tidur )
Mengumpulkan kayu
Menggumpulkan Power Berry
Bersahabat dengan orang ²
Menangkap ikan
Perkiraan biaya 16.000G ² 28000G + 750 kayu ( tergantung jumlah sapi yang kamu beli ).

Resep - pt.2

Ingredients: Milk (any size)
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 1

Ingredients: Tomato, Onion
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt, Sugar, Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 1

Noodles (The Delicious Hour, 18th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Egg*, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 76

Bamboo Rice
Ingredients: Bamboo Shoot, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Mushroom Rice (The Delicious Hour, 10th show)
Ingredients: Mushroom, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Truffle Rice (The Delicious Hour, 11th show)
Ingredients: Truffle, Rice Ball
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65

Raisin Bread
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Bread
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30

Dinner Roll
Ingredients: Bread, Butter, Honey*
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32

Strawberry Jam (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Strawberry
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 5

Apple Jam
Ingredients: Apple or SUGDW Apple, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9

Grape Jam (The Delicious Hour, 9th show)
Ingredients: Wild Grapes, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt*
Stamina Restored: 5 to 9

Jam Bun (New Year's Special TV, Spring 5)
Ingredients: Bread, any type of Jam (at least one, can use multiple types)
Utensils: None
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 40 to 50

Tomato Juice (The Delicious Hour, 8th show)
Ingredients: Tomato
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 25

Hot Milk (The Delicious Hour, 17th show)
Ingredients: Milk
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 24

Strawberry Milk
Ingredients: Strawberry, Milk, Honey*
Utensils: Mixer
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36

Boiled Egg (The Delicious Hour, 1st show)
Ingredients: Egg
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Ingredients: Corn, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 30 to 35

Curry (The Delicious Hour, 15th show)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Rice Ball, Oil*, Grape Juice*, Chocolate*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Wild Grape*,
Sweet Potato*, Boiled Egg*, Pumpkin*, Truffle*, Mushroom*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Fish*, Cheese*, Tomato*, Egg*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 65

Miso Soup (The Delicious Hour, 16th show)
Ingredients: At least one of the following: Cabbage, Green Pepper, Potato,
Spinach, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot,
Onion, Mushroom, Small Fish, Turnip
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Miso Paste, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 10 to 52

Ingredients: Cucumber
Utensils: Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Pickled Turnips
Ingredients: Turnip
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 20 to 23

Ingredients: Spinach
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 20

Salad (The Delicious Hour, 5th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Cabbage, Carrot, Tomato, Truffle*, Mushroom*,
Strawberry*, Turnip*, Boiled Egg*, Cheese*, Green Pepper*, Pineapple*,
Apple*, Mayonnaise*, Oil*, Corn*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar*, Salt*
Stamina Restored: 34 to 60

Ingredients: Bread, Cucumber, Tomato, Boiled Egg*, Truffle*, Cabbage*,
Honey*, Wine*, Apple*, Carrot*, Mushroom*, Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Cheese*,
Wild Grape*, Corn*, Cucumber*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Strawberry*, Fish*,
Butter*, Tomato*, Potato*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 46 to 68

Happy Eggplant (The Delicious Hour, 12th show)
Ingredients: Eggplant
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Sugar, Miso Paste, Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 30

Relaxation Tea
Ingredients: Relaxation Tea Leaves, Blue Grass*, Red Grass*, Green Grass*,
Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Milk*, Wine*, Orangecup Fruit*
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 70 to 112

Mayonnaise S
Ingredients: Normal Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 1

Mayonnaise M
Ingredients: Good Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 2

Mayonnaise L
Ingredients: Excellent Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 3

Mayonnaise XL
Ingredients: Golden Egg, Oil
Utensils: Whisk
Seasonings: Vinegar
Stamina Restored: 4

Sweet Potato
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Egg, Butter
Utensils: Pot, Oven
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 40

Roasted Potatoes (The Delicious Hour, 13th show)
Ingredients: Sweet Potato, Small Stone (not Winter Stone)
Utensils: Oven
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 42

Ingredients: Flour, Milk, Oil*, Chocolate*, Grape Juice*, Pineapple*,
Spinach*, Vegetable Juice*, Wine*, Green Pepper*, Honey*, Wild Grape*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Apple*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Sweet Potato*, Tomato*,
Utensils: Pot, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt
Stamina Restored: 35 to 58

Cheese Fondue
Ingredients: Cheese, Bread, Wine*
Utensils: Knife*, Pot
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 43 to 53

Ingredients: Cheese, Flour, Ketchup, Bamboo Shoot*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*,
Sweet Potato*, Eggplant*, Mayonnaise*, Pineapple*, Truffle*, Egg*, Onion*,
Corn*, Mushroom*, Green Pepper*, Potato*, Tomato*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 43 to 67

Ingredients: Potato, Oil, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 40

Veggie Pancake
Ingredients: Cabbage, Flour, Egg, Oil, Milk*, Potato*, Cucumber*, Pumpkin*,
Cheese*, Eggplant*, Spinach*, Carrot*, Bamboo Shoot*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Mayonnaise*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 65

Scrambled Eggs
Ingredients: Egg, Oil, Mayonnaise*, Butter*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 58

Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 2nd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Corn*, Potato*, Cheese*, Cabbage*, Eggplant*,
Onion*, Sweet Potato*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Pumpkin*,
Mayonnaise*, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Fish*, Ketchup*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 82

Rice Omelet (The Delicious Hour, 3rd show)
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Oil, Rice Ball, Truffle*, Bamboo Shoot*, Cabbage*,
Eggplant*, Pumpkin*, Carrot*, Green Pepper*, Mayonnaise*, Mushroom*, Corn*,
Sweet Potato*, Fish*, Ketchup*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Onion*, Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 82

Fried Rice
Ingredients: Oil, Rice Ball, Egg, Bamboo Shoot*, Cucumber*, Boiled Egg*,
Scrambled Egg*, Mushroom*, Spinach*, Stir Fry*, Wine*, Grilled Fish*,
Spa-Boiled Egg*, Green Pepper*, Onion*, Sashimi*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Corn*,
Truffle*, Fish*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar, Salt, Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 49 to 69

Grilled Fish (New Year's Special TV, Spring 3; The Delicious Hour, 14th
Ingredients: Medium Fish
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: Salt*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 36

Ingredients: Large Fish, Medium Fish (one or both)
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 30 to 38

Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball
Utensils: None
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 40 to 41

Chirashi Sushi
Ingredients: Sashimi, Rice Ball, Scrambled Egg, Cucumber*
Utensils: Knife
Seasonings: Vinegar, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 55

Curry Noodles
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Flour, Turnip*, Cabbage*, Sweet Potato*, Egg*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Carrot*, Eggplant*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Truffle*,
Onion*, Fish*
Utensils: Pot, Knife, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
(Alternate Recipe)
Ingredients: Curry Powder, Noodles, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Same as above*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 80

Stir Fry (The Delicious Hour, 6th show)
Ingredients: Cabbage, Oil, Potato*, Tomato*, Cucumber*, Sweet Potato*,
Spinach*, Turnip*, Bamboo Shoot*, Corn*, Mushroom*, Eggplant*, Carrot*,
Green Pepper*, Onion*, Truffle*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Knife
Seasonings: Soysauce
Stamina Restored: 40 to 52

Ingredients: Flour, Egg, Oil, Poisonous Mushroom*, Chocolate*, Truffle*,
Turnip*, Cucumber*, Cabbage*, Carrot*, Boiled Egg*, Pineapple*, Fish*,
Pumpkin*, Green Pepper*, Mushroom*, Potato*, Eggplant*, Sweet Potato*
Utensils: Frying Pan, Whisk*
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 20 to 38

Tempura Noodles
Ingredients: Tempura, Noodles, Cabbage*, Turnip*, Sweet Potato*, Fish*,
Mushroom*, Truffle*, Egg*, Carrot*
Utensils: Pot
Seasonings: Sugar*, Salt*, Miso Paste*, Soysauce*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 92
(Alternate recipe)
Ingredients: Tempura, Flour, same optional ingredients as above*
Utensils: Pot, Rolling Pin, Knife
Seasonings: Same as above*

Fried Noodles
Ingredients: Oil, Noodles
Utensils: Frying Pan
Seasonings: None
Stamina Restored: 60

Cookie (The Delicious Hour, 4th show)
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 15 to 17

Chocolate Cookie
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 30 to 32

Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*,
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 40 to 63

Chocolate Cake
Ingredients: Flour, Butter, Egg, Chocolate, Honey*, Apple*, Pineapple*,
Strawberry*, Wild Grape*
Utensils: Oven, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 70 to 91

Ingredients: Cheese, Milk, Egg, Honey*
Utensils: Oven, Pot, Whisk
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52

Pumpkin Pudding
Ingredients: Pumpkin, Egg, Milk, Honey*, Wine*
Utensils: Oven, Pot
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 52

Apple Pie
Ingredients: Butter, Egg, Flour, Apple, Wine*, Honey*
Utensils: Knife, Oven, Pot, Rolling Pin
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 50 to 54

Ice Cream
Ingredients: Egg, Milk, Strawberry*, Pineapple*, Wild Grape*, Apple*,
Utensils: Pot, Whisk, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar
Stamina Restored: 30 to 53

Fruit Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Honey*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 29 to 33

Fruit Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes (at least one of
these), Milk, Honey* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Milk, Honey*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 39 to 43

Vegetable Juice (The Delicious Hour, 7th show)
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Truffle*, Corn*, Bamboo Shoot*,
Onion*, Green Pepper*, Spinach*, Cheese*, Egg*, Eggplant*, Turnip*
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 28 to 50

Veggie Latte
Ingredients: Cucumber, Carrot, Cabbage, Milk, Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Turnip*, Spinach*, Green Pepper*, Cheese*, Egg*, Onion*
(alternate: Vegetable Juice, Milk, same optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*
Stamina Restored: 38 to 59

Mixed Juice
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage (at least one fruit and one veggie), Truffle*, Corn*, Eggplant*,
Bamboo Shoot*, Grape Juice*, Mushroom*, Turnip*, Onion*, Green Pepper*,
Tomato*, Spinach*, Cucumber* (alternate: Fruit Juice, Vegetable Juice, same
optional ingredients*)
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 50 to 58

Mixed Latte
Ingredients: Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry, Wild Grapes, Cucumber, Carrot,
Cabbage, Milk
Utensils: Mixer, Knife*
Seasonings: Salt*, Sugar*
Stamina Restored: 60 to 65

Harga Barang, Credits to Sky Render
Item: Turnip                           Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Turnip Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Potato                            Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Potato Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Cucumber                     Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Cucumber Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Strawberry      Sell Value: 30
Stamina: 5                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Plant Strawberry Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Cabbage                        Sell Value: 250
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Cabbage Seeds during Spring or in the Hothouse

Item: Tomato                          Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Tomato Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Corn                              Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Corn Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Onion                            Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Onion Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Pumpkin                        Sell Value: 250
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Pumpkin Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Pineapple                      Sell Value: 500
Stamina: 5                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Plant Pineapple Seeds during Summer or in the Hothouse

Item: Eggplant                        Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Eggplant Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Carrot                            Sell Value: 120
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Carrot Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Sweet Potato  Sell Value: 120
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Sweet Potato Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Spinach                         Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Spinach Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Green Pepper               Sell Value: 40
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Plant Green Pepper Seeds during Fall or in the Hothouse

Item: Orangecup Fruit            Sell Value: 60
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 5
Found: Plant Orange Cup Seeds during Spring, Summer, Fall, or in the

Item: Apple                            Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Harvest from near the apple tree during Fall

Item: Bamboo Shoot               Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 10                            Kelelahan: 1
Found: Near the Hot Springs, during Spring

Item: Wild Grape     Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 10                            Kelelahan: 2
Found: On Mother Hill, during Fall

Item: Mushroom                    Sell Value: 70
Stamina: 10                            Kelelahan: 1
Found: On Mother Hill and at Gotz' house, during Fall

Item: PoisonousMushroom     Sell Value: 100
Stamina: -10                           Kelelahan: -5
Found: At Gotz' House, during Fall

Item: Truffle                           Sell Value: 500
Stamina: 20                            Kelelahan: 1
Found: On Mother Hill, during Fall, or buy at the Local Horse Race for 12

Item: Blue Grass      Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 9                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Near the Hot Springs and at Gotz' House, during Spring

Item: Red Grass                      Sell Value: 100
Stamina: -10                           Kelelahan: -5
Found: Near the Hot Springs and at Gotz' House, during Summer

Item: Green Grass   Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 0                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Near the Hot Springs and at Gotz' House, during Fall

Item: Egg                Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 0
Found: Laid by chickens without a crown next to their name with at least 1

Item: Golden Egg    Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 5                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Laid by chickens with a crown next to their name

Item: Spa-Boiled Egg              Sell Value: 80
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Toss any quality Egg or a Golden Egg into the Hot Springs

Item: Mayonnaise S Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 1                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Place a Normal Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Mayonnaise M              Sell Value: 150
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Place a Good Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Mayonnaise L Sell Value: 200
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Place an Excellent Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Mayonnaise G               Sell Value: 300
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Place a Golden Egg in the Mayo Maker, or make via cooking

Item: Milk S                            Sell Value: 100
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with 0 to 3 hearts

Item: Milk M                           Sell Value: 150
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with 4 to 7 hearts

Item: Milk L                            Sell Value: 200
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with 8 to 10 hearts

Item: Milk G                           Sell Value: 300
Stamina: 5                              Kelelahan: 3
Found: Use the Milker on a mature cow with a crown next to its name

Item: Cheese S                       Sell Value: 300
Stamina: 5                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Place a Milk S in the Cheese Maker

Item: Cheese M                     Sell Value: 400
Stamina: 6                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Place a Milk M in the Cheese Maker

Item: Cheese L                       Sell Value: 500
Stamina: 7                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Place a Milk L in the Cheese Maker

Item: Cheese G                      Sell Value: 600
Stamina: 8                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Place a Milk G in the Cheese Maker

Item: Wool S                           Sell Value: 100
Found: Shear a woolly sheep with 0 to 3 hearts

Item: Wool M                         Sell Value: 400
Found: Shear a woolly sheep with 4 to 7 hearts

Item: Wool L                           Sell Value: 500
Found: Shear a woolly sheep with 8 to 10 hearts

Item: Wool G                          Sell Value: 600
Found: Shear a sheep with a crown next to its name

Item: Yarn Ball S      Sell Value: 300
Found: Place a Wool S in the Yarn Maker

Item: Yarn Ball M     Sell Value: 700
Found: Place a Wool M in the Yarn Maker

Item: Yarn Ball L      Sell Value: 800
Found: Place a Wool L in the Yarn Maker

Item: Yarn Ball G     Sell Value: 1000
Found: Place a Wool G in the Yarn Maker

Item: Junk Ore                       Sell Value: 1
Found: Mine in the normal mine (all floors) or the winter mine (all floors
except the bottom floor)

Item: Copper Ore    Sell Value: 15
Found: Mine in the normal mine (all floors)

Item: Silver Ore       Sell Value: 20
Found: Mine in the normal mine (floors 2 through 10)

Item: Gold Ore                       Sell Value: 25
Found: Mine in the normal mine (floors 4 through 10)

Item: Mystrile                         Sell Value: 40
Found: Mine in the normal mine (floors 6 through 10) or the winter mine
(all floors except the bottom floor), or buy at the Local Horse Race for 3

Item: Orichalcum    Sell Value: 50
Found: Mine in the winter mine (floors 2 through 9)

Item: Adamantite     Sell Value: 50
Found: Mine in the winter mine (floors 4 through 9)

Item: Earrings                         Sell Value: 2000
Found: Have Saibara make them for 1000G (takes 3 days), or buy them at the
Local Horse Race for 33 medals

Item: Necklace                       Sell Value: 2000
Found: Have Saibara make it for 1000G (takes 3 days), or buy it at the
Local Horse Race for 35 medals

Item: Bracelet                         Sell Value: 2000
Found: Have Saibara make it for 1000G (takes 3 days), or buy it at the
Local Horse Race for 42 medals

Item: Moondrop Flower
Found: Pick them from Gotz' House and Mother Hill during Spring, or plant
them via Moondrop Seeds (which you cannot buy until you plant the bag of
Moondrop Seeds that Karen gives you, and have them bloom)

Item: Toy Flower
Found: Pick them from Mother Hill during Spring, or plant them via Toy
Flower Seeds

Item: Pink Cat Flower
Found: Pick them from Gotz' House and Mother Hill during Summer, or plant
them via Pink Cat Seeds

Item: Magic Red Flower
Found: Pick them from Gotz' House and Mother Hill during Fall, or plant
them via Magic Red Seeds

Item: Magic Red (Red)            Sell Value: 200
Found: Plant Magic Red Seeds in your field during Fall; chances of one
growing are approximately 1 in 16

Item: Honey                           Sell Value: 50 or 60
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Harvest from the beehive on the apple tree (must plant at least one
flower on the farm and have it bloom for the hive to appear)

Item: SUGDW Apple               Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Buy from Won for 500G

Item: Rice Ball
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Buy from the Supermarket for 100G

Item: Bread
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Buy from the Supermarket for 100G

Item: Bodigizer
Stamina: 50                            Kelelahan: 1
Found: Buy from the Clinic for 500G

Item: Bodigizer XL
Stamina: 100                          Kelelahan: 1
Found: Buy at the Local Horse Race for 15 Medals, or buy at the Clinic for
1000G (once they carry it)

Item: Turbojolt
Stamina: 0                              Kelelahan: 20
Found: Buy at the Clinic for 1000G

Item: Turbojolt XL
Stamina: 0                              Kelelahan: 50
Found: Buy at the local Horse Race for 21 Medals, or buy at the Clinic for
1500G (once they carry it)

Item: Wine
Stamina: 0                              Kelelahan: 5
Found: Buy from the Aja Winery for 300G

Item: Grape Juice
Stamina: 5                              Kelelahan: 2
Found: Buy from the Aja Winery for 200G

Item: Large Fish      Sell Value: 200
Stamina: 4                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Catch in the ocean, or grab one from your fish pond if you have one
in there

Item: Medium Fish  Sell Value: 120
Stamina: 3                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Catch in the ocean, lake, or river, or grab one from your fish pond
if you have one in there

Item: Small Fish       Sell Value: 50
Stamina: 2                              Kelelahan: 1
Found: Catch in the ocean, lake, or river, or grab one from your fish pond
if you have one in there